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Southampton +44 (0)2381 511 511


Here you will find information about Tennyson Counsel’s –

connected with our practice areas. Please click on the link above to lead you to the relevant item of your choice.

In the above pages you will find an array of information about –

  • Publications either written by or published by members of chambers.
  • Articles written by either members of chambers or third party providers.
  • Chambers events which are planned to be held on future dates.
  • Links to external resources providing access to case law.
  • Links to our social media pages of LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Google plus.

We hope to see clients and solicitors at our events to be held in 2022.

We hope you will enjoy the news articles and legal news on this site generally.

If you are interested in our services and wish to learn more about us at Tennyson then please contact us, setting out your query, using the enquiry form, and the book an appointment facility.

Contact Us

For more information about our members and services please contact us.

Our telephone number in Southampton United Kingdom is +44 (0) 2381 511511.

For clients wishing to have a conference in London United Kingdom then please dial the London UK appointments number of +44 (0)203 407 0047.

Alternatively, you may email