The Chambers of Susan Brown (“Tennyson”) abides by the United Kingdom Equality Act 2010 and the Equality Rules as published in the Bar Handbook by the UK Bar Standards Board (“BSB”).
Applications for membership will be considered irrespective of race (including colour, nationality, ethic or national origins), sex (which covers both men and women), pregnancy and maternity (anyone who is pregnant or taking maternity leave to look after a child), disability (whether having physical or mental impairment), sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, religion or beliefs (including philosophical belief), age (except under 18’s in service delivery where not prohibited by the above handbook) and gender reassignment which are all protected characteristics under the United Kingdom Equality Act 2010.
Tennyson Chambers does not currently have any direct employees, but uses when needed the services of the office support staff of Oxford Innovation Limited as set out on the about us page of this website.
There is no legal requirement for Tennyson to have a written equality policy although there is a regulatory requirement under the Bar Handbook as follows –
“Rule rC110 -112 of the BSB Handbook require that a self-employed barrister
must take reasonable steps to ensure that in relation to their chambers:
- there is in force a written statement of policy on equality and diversity and;
- there is in force a written plan implementing the policy.
- Rule rC110 requires that chambers –
- conducts a regular review of its policy on equality and diversity and of its implementation in order to ensure that it complies with the requirements of Rule C110 – C112; and
- takes any appropriate remedial action identified in the light of that review”
© Bar Standards Board UK Bar Handbook
Copies of Tennyson’s written equality policy are made available to all those for whom chambers constitutes a working environment and is intended to cover recruitment and selection, fair access to work and the allocation of unassigned work, equality monitoring and complaints and grievances.
The Head of Chambers also keeps and applies chambers written policies against discrimination, against victimisation and harassment, reasonable adjustments, diversity data, and equality action plan to cover those persons for whom chambers constitutes a working environment, Copies are available to all those for whom again chambers constitutes a working environment. Please see diversity data page on this site.
There is currently no legal requirement for Tennyson to appoint an equality and diversity officer although there is a regulatory requirement under the Bar Handbook which requires that a self-employed barrister must take reasonable steps to ensure that chambers has at least one Equality and Diversity Officer.
The Equality and Diversity officer of Tennyson is the Head of Chambers Miss Susan Brown who has received appropriate equality and diversity training as required under the above handbook.
Tennyson recognises its positive duty to make reasonable adjustments for persons who have a disability. In respect of the premises from which Tennyson Chambers operates. Please see our disabled facilities page on this site for further information about premises adjustments which have been made for persons who have a disability.
Contact Us
For more information about our members and services please contact us.
Our telephone number in Southampton United Kingdom is +44 (0) 2381 511511.
For clients wishing to have a conference in London United Kingdom then please dial the London UK appointments number of +44 (0)203 407 0047.
Alternatively, you may email