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Data protection and privacy

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Southampton +44 (0)2381 511 511


Tennyson Chambers

We take information security and data protection of client data very seriously, and strive to abide by the Attorney General’s guidelines on information security and government work, and have adopted these guidelines in our work.

We also abide by the regulation of the European Union 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) which came into force on 25th May 2018. This regulation is commonly known as the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). We also abide by the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018.

We also work in as paperless form as possible. You are referred to our detailed privacy policy on the footer of this web site and to our chambers privacy notice. You are also referred to each barristers individual privacy notice which can be found by clicking on their profile in the barristers section of this web site.

Our chambers uses encrypted e mail for messaging clients and solicitors and all hard drive electronic data is stored in an encrypted form.

Data Retention Policy.

In accordance with good practice guidelines for the Bar all client data is kept for a minimum period of 7 years where instructions are received from public access clients. Even if your case has concluded we may retain information beyond the end of a case depending on business need and purpose. Please see our privacy policy on the footer of this page, chambers privacy notice on thsi site and each barrister’s individual privacy notice.

We do review data that we hold and review the length of time that personal data of clients is held. We also consider the purpose for which data is held and do regularly review how long data is held. Where the business need and purpose require we update archive and securely delete information if it goes out of date and is no longer required for our business purpose.

Where Instructing Solicitors provide information this is returned to Instructing Solicitors wherever possible and appropriate after a case has finished unless there is a business need and purpose for retaining such information. Examples of where it may be necessary to retain documents and data are –

  • Where case documents maybe relevant to an appeal out of time.
  • Where case documents can be used as precedents.
  • Where case documents may contain the results of research into the law which may be relevant to a current case.
  • Where case instructions, facts or experts reports in a previous case may be relevant to a current case.
  • Where correspondence or instructions contain contact details which may be used in the future.
  • Where case documents or records may be important when carrying out a conflict search.
  • Where a member fees on a case are unpaid by either a public access client or a firm of Instructing Solicitors.
  • Where a client has either made a complaint against a barrister or a barrister makes a claim against his or her insurers or solicitors.
  • Where the legal period of limitation has yet to expire.

As stated above please refer to our privacy policy page, and to our terms and conditions of using this site.

Chambers Privacy Notice

Click here to view the Tennyson Chambers Privacy Notice

Contact Us

For more information about our members and services please contact us.

Our telephone number in Southampton United Kingdom is +44 (0) 2381 511511.

For clients wishing to have a conference in London United Kingdom then please dial the London UK appointments number of +44 (0)203 407 0047.

Alternatively, you may email