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Mines, Minerals and Natural Resources

Contact details

Southampton +44 (0)2381 511 511


The most recent national and controversial issue in mining has been production of shale gas by a process colloquially known as “fracking”. or hydraulic fracturing. You may be a concerned owner wishing to know your rights or part of a group of land owners who wish to protect your real estate from this form of mining. Large parts of the UK may be affected and some already are. There are other mining issues such as those associated with the mining of coal.

At Tennyson we can advise upon –

  • compulsory purchase orders;
  • an owner’s right to compensation in respect of compulsory purchase;
  • a land owner’s rights to avoid exploitation to ensure that the land owner; receives a solution which gives him/or her best value;
  • Statutory codes such as the Infrastructure Act 2015;
  • Equitable remedies available at law and in equity; and
  • Other relevant case issues.

We accept instructions to advise and represent real estate owning individuals and companies by direct access on mines minerals and natural resources issues (see our public access pages for details of the public access scheme) or from solicitors on your behalf. We have experience in dealing with valuation evidence and valuers, and are accustomed to conducting cross examinations of experts whether they be engineers, surveyors, or valuers.

You may be part of a class action or group wishing to share the expense of obtaining legal advice and we would be pleased to hear from you. We are able where necessary to act speedily and seek injunctions, and freezing orders.

To choose your barrister please go to our barrister page and barrister profile pages, and use our shortlist facility, enquiry form and book an appointment facility.

Please also consider your mediation options and for more information go to our mediator’s page.

Contact Us

For more information about our members and services please contact us.

Our telephone number in Southampton United Kingdom is +44 (0) 2381 511511.

For clients wishing to have a conference in London United Kingdom then please dial the London UK appointments number of +44 (0)203 407 0047.

Alternatively, you may email