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Public Access

Contact details

Southampton +44 (0)2381 511 511


We welcome interest from clients wishing to use public/direct access for legal advice and advocacy. We are here to help.

Most barristers at Tennyson can accept instructions directly from members of the public under the Bar Standard Board’s public access scheme. Please have a look at the barristers page to help you to –

  • decide which barrister you would like to assist you from Tennyson Chambers, and
  • check the site profile of our barrister members to see if he/she can accept instructions on a public access basis.

All barristers accepting instructions on a public access basis must have –

  • completed the appropriate training as designated by the Bar Standards Board of England and Wales (“BSB”), and
  • have been certified by the BSB as able to accept instructions from a member of the public direct.

You may also check if the barrister you have chosen is qualified to accept instructions from you directly under the public access scheme by using the barrister’s register kept by the BSB. You may search using the barrister’s name and examine their profile on the register.

However, even if qualified to accept instructions on a public access basis not all practising barristers at Tennyson may choose to accept your instructions on a public access basis, and some will only accept your instructions via a solicitor.

If you would like to use public access then after you have provided your counsel with details about your case, please ask if he or she is willing and able to accept your instructions under the public access scheme or whether he or she requires you to use a solicitor to provided legal services to you.

How to make your choice of public access barrister.

In making your choice of barrister from our barrister profile pages you might ask yourself –

  • do I need someone very junior in practice or do you require someone more senior in years of qualification/call?
    (The date of call shows how long the barrister has been qualified as a barrister at the Bar of England and Wales. This choice may affect your price as generally speaking the more senior a barrister then the more expensive their fees are reflecting the length of experience gained in practice).
  • How complex is my case? Is it straightforward or very complex?
  • What is the amount of the claim? Does it justify using a very senior barrister?
  • What level of experience of legal practice do I need?
  • Do I have a lot of paperwork for my chosen barrister to read to be able to advise me correctly?
  • What area of law does my case concern and what area of law does the barrister practice in mainly?

On first approach to your chosen barrister please set out using our enquiry form

  • the key details and background facts of your legal case; and
  • whether the matter is urgent; and
  • whether there is a court deadline to meet and when it is.

Try to be as succinct and brief as you can without writing too many pages when making your enquiry.

Please refer to our book an appointment page.

Contact Us

For more information about our members and services please contact us.

Our telephone number in Southampton United Kingdom is +44 (0) 2381 511511.

For clients wishing to have a conference in London United Kingdom then please dial the London UK appointments number of +44 (0)203 407 0047.

Alternatively, you may email